Hi, My name is Ann Clews.
I have been a Christian for over thirty years. I live in Perth, Australia, with my husband, Adrian, in the beautiful Swan Valley. Between us, we have four children and four grandchildren. Since becoming a Christian, I have enjoyed serving in local churches and community organisations in full-time, part-time and volunteer roles.
I am theologically trained ( BMin, MTH ) and have been accredited as a Baptist Pastor. I have served as a pastor, chaplain, events co-ordinator, music ministry, leading small groups and have recently been involved with church planting. I also worked for many years in the aged care and disability sector.
The picture on the right, is when I was sitting by Lake Galilee a few years ago. My apologies for the sunglasses, if ever I pass this way again I will take them off for a photo! However, I particularly wanted to use this picture because of the location and because it was where the disciples were one day in a boat and struggling because the wind was against them.
As a woman who experienced a strong call of God to serve His church, I have found the journey to be most challenging when faced with contrasting views regarding acceptable roles for women in the church. Yet it has also been my experience that Jesus continues to tell female disciples not to fear and to keep our eyes on Him.
In my current season of life I find much joy in encouraging others to run their race and hopefully some of the insights that I have gained will be helpful. I thank you for the privilege of walking with you. Ann